Taiwan Invoice Recognition System (Standalone)

The new trend of smart office Digital assistants can board business documents

Taiwan Invoice Recognition System (Standalone)

With the advent of declining birthrate and shortage of labor, you are facing the problem of not being able to find anyone to assist in the production of enterprise documents? The installation of Lixin's "Enterprise Document Recognition Stand-alone Version" was immediately activated, and since then, the registration and printing of hundreds to thousands of enterprise documents per month has been relieved. When you receive your business documents, you no longer have to manually register them, and your digital assistant will do it for you instantly.

Key Highlights:

AI High-precision handwriting and printed word recognition
Automatic document format classification
You can set the company information
Built-in 900,000 manufacturer information
Provide voucher capture
Easily proofread credential content
Intelligently detect duplicate credentials
Field content error message

Implementation Benefits

Digitization of documents
Facilitate the storage and review of vouchers
Support a variety of vouchers for purchase and sale items
Improve the efficiency of tax filing
The stand-alone version is ready to use
It is easy to import, and the identified files can be converted into media files and CSV files
Solve the shortage of labor
Join a digital intelligence helper that is always on call

Financial accounting digital helper to help you solve the problem of insufficient manpower for business tax declaration vouchers

AI artificial intelligence combined with text recognition technology can quickly capture the required information from invoices/transportation vouchers, utility fees, government fees and other voucher documents in seconds, which is widely adopted and trusted by corporate finance and accounting units, and all documents that need to be digitized in the enterprise are automatically processed by AI.

Certificates of Support :
・ Invoice vouchers: cash register invoices, two-copy invoices, three-link invoices, handwritten invoices
Transportation vouchers: high-speed rail bills, Taiwan Railway bills, MRT boarding certificates
Utility bills: Telecom/Electricity/Water/Gas bills
Government fees: customs taxes, etc

Introduce results and benefits

Reduced operating costs

Join the digital workforce
Automation is available all year round

Improve efficiency and quality

Simplify and standardize enterprise processes
Maintain a high accuracy rate

Fast, convenient and high-tech

Enhance the user experience
Add points to your brand image

Complete enterprise process automation in 3 steps

Step 1

Scan documents or upload electronic files (Supported formats: PDF, JPG, PNG, TIF)

Step 2

The system automatically interprets and captures data from various document contents, and presents key data with a simple and intuitive UI

Step 3

It can export media files, CSV and other multiple formats and provide interface with heterogeneous systems, such as ERP and accounting systems

Taiwan Invoice Recognition Service,
Help you save time, effort and efficiency

Let AI help you alleviate manpower shortage


AI does the work for you, speeding up the processing speed by 70%.

Each period of business tax declaration of enterprises is concentrated in a specific period from 1 to 15, and a large number of tax declaration invoices and accounting vouchers must be filed and declared in a short period of time.

In order to speed up the dilemma of the financial association colleagues who only need to complete the filing and declaration system in just a few days, the enterprise document identification service can easily replace the time-consuming and labor-intensive manual registration procedure, and provide multiple input methods to automatically type the accounting vouchers into the system, and the automatic identification of a document can be completed in seconds, so as to speed up the internal processing of vouchers and no longer worry about the high error rate caused by fatigue registration.


AI does the work for you, maximizing the benefits of human resources

The financial and accounting department of the enterprise will need to log in the various invoices and vouchers received to the company’s financial system every month.

In order to shorten the time of filing and manual verification, and not waste manpower on repetitive boarding operations, the “Enterprise Document Identification Service” can automatically capture and interpret the contents of various tax documents, and present key information with a simple and intuitive UI, which will shorten the operation time, reduce unnecessary manpower expenditure, and maximize resource efficiency.


It can be selected according to the needs budget

There are nearly 30 modules such as electronic sign-off, project system, network hard disk, mobile phone version, customer management, etc., and every penny of budget is spent on the knife edge.

It supports two major operating systems and four major browsers

Whether you use a computer, mobile phone or tablet (Windows, iOS, Android), you can sign it out instantly through the Internet and APP. With support for four major browsers (IE, Chrome, Firefox and safari), business executives and employees can make their work easier and faster.

Improve high-quality after-sales service

• Unlimited customer telephone consultation services
• Hold product education and training courses from time to time
• The program is updated with added value every month to optimize the system functions

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